Originality Statement

Mediova:Journal of Islamic Media Studies will always ensure the authenticity of scientific works to be published. So, please use the author's statement form about the originality of your article in the language of the article. If the article is in Indonesian, use the statement form in Indonesian. Conversely, if the article is in English, use the statement form in English. Attach this form when you submit the article through Open Journal System (OJS) journal.

That Authors on the Mediova Journal can honestly state that:
a) Articles that have been submitted to the Mediova Journal: Journal of Islamic Media Studies for assessment are original or free from fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplication, fragmentation / salami and data / content copyright infringement.
b) Article has not been published elsewhere or is not being considered for publication by another journal, and during the assessment process by this journal will not be withdrawn and submitted to other journals for assessment.
c) The author is willing to improve the manuscript that has been assessed and does not pull it unilaterally without notifying the editor, especially if the manuscript is in the process of being reviewed. Our articles do not contain statements that violate the law, defame or otherwise and do not contain materials that violate the personal rights or property rights of any person or other entity.

Please download this Ethic Statement Letter ! Thank you.