Subjective Well-Being Among Students Experiencing Broken Home: Case Study in Islamic Modern Boarding School

  • Anisah Triyuliasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Hanifah Ainunnisa Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Keywords: Student, Subjective Well-Being, Broken Home, Islamic Modern Boarding School, Santri


Students with broken home family conditions do not close the possibility that they have high subjective well-being. It is because each individual has a different perspective of self-acceptance and a different view of happiness for himself. Each individual has factors that contribute to the subjective condition of his well-being. This study aims to identify and describe the subjective well-being of teenagers experiencing broken homes in Darul Hikmah Islamic Modern Boarding School. This study uses a qualitative evaluation with a case study method, the subjects in this study are single subjects teenagers, and daughters who are experiencing broken home. This is evident from the cognitive aspects, positive effects, and negative effects found by the researchers. Several factors also influence the subjective well-being of the subject, including internal factors including emotional intelligence, gratitude and patience, self-acceptance, religiousness, and forgiveness. There are also external factors including social support, relationships with parents, economic factors, quality of education, and school.


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How to Cite
Triyuliasari, A., & Ainunnisa, H. (2024). Subjective Well-Being Among Students Experiencing Broken Home: Case Study in Islamic Modern Boarding School. Psychosophia: Journal of Psychology, Religion, and Humanity, 6(2), 97-112.
Psychological Research